Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Ledger is Over

My roommate is devastated over the untimely passing of the young, virile Heath Ledger. Like the good roommate I am, I picked up some wine on my way home and started emailing and drinking. I am a small girl; small enough so a couple of glasses leave me a bit fuzzy, and in the wake of a highly stressful day (YOU try working in an all gay office and having the stare of Brokeback Mountain die...a couple of people needed to leave early). I've decided to do what I normally do when I've been drinking and emailing.

Internet shopping.

Most people, after a night of binging, wake up remorseful and with a headache. I wake up poor. I check my browser history and shudder. I get packages for the next few days and shake my head in sorrow. It's awful.

Here are some things I am thinking of splurging on tonight:

A stuffed Cthulu, found here:

Dramatically overpriced but still severely reduced Helmut Lang jeans found here:

Joss Whedon's Astonishing X-Men featuring my favorite X-Man Shadowcat found here:

I was going to say Spanx, but my roommate (who is moderately enjoying the wine and still awfully upset over her Knight's Tale being over) brought up the fact that her ass is already held up by youth and exuberance, and I think she has quite a point.

Eyelash dye. I've always been interested, and what could possible go wrong? Nothing. Nothing at all. It's just my eyes...I have two of them! Found here.

A Prince poster. Really, really find a problem with it. You can't, can you? You walk in to a house where someone owns a Prince poster...you immediately fall in love with them. No contest. Its over. Buy one here, probably for your benefit:
And after all of this - all I got were some mere magic screens, courtesy of my favorite, Oriental Trading:
Whatever, it was three dollars. It was either that, or "10 Things I hate About You" in honor of the tragedy that befell us here in New York today.

Welcome to my blog, kittens.


Cathy Brillson said...

Shopping, again.


Hamlet said...

Gutsy move, to have a blog. People can post whatever they want for anyone to read. I'd have to tap into my therapy insurance or....maybe alcohol really is the answer. Forget about what Cathy said (whoever that is). Shopping is a cheap catharsis. I have a closet full of shirts to prove it.