Thursday, March 27, 2008

Wild Wild West

As you may or may not know, I recently had a trip to San Francisco to visit my delicious friend Jake. He is delicious, and so was my trip. Here are some photos to give you a sample of just how zesty my vacation was:

THE NEON MONSTER! (Jakes comic book/record/toy store!)

Jake and his bro Isaac.

Momewraths 1 and 2

Our apocalyptic shopping list


Typ SF

Getting inked!

For these exciting adventures and more, visit my FLICKR!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Overheard at Jake's Preschool

This is fact.

Kid 1: I can poop candy!
Kid 2: And I can eat it all up!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Ok, so I dunno how up to lolspeak everyone is, but CEILING CAT is a bit of a phenom. (Actually, the lol-world has rewritten the bible entirely to explain the CEILING it)

Well, this just in. My friend Conor, who works at a respected publisher whose name I shall not release, has ceiling cats.

At work.

Working on a middle floor of one of the largest buildings in New York City, somehow his place of occupation has managed to get stray cats in the ceiling. He can tell this because "there has been meowing in all different corners", and according to his reports, the girls in his office have removed the ceiling tiles and put cat food and water up there, which has been consumed. Somehow, New York City cats have made it to the interior of a rather tall building and are now annoying hapless publishers.

Apparently the ASPCA has been notified of the issue and his workplace will soon be decatted, but until then, the meowing will not cease.

Saturday, March 1, 2008


I think my favorite part of iTunes is celebrity playlists. If you go into the store section, then search "celebrity playlists" it gives you a list of people (of cultural relevance or currently promoting something) that rank certain songs and then tell you what you think of them.

Things I've discovered:
Al Gore is actually a woman
I kind of want to fight Tobey Maguire.

The best thing about these playlists are that they go back to 2004, so you can remember movies you've forgotten about and songs that aren't interesting anymore. And sometimes you get celebs that clearly wrote their opinions via Blackberry ("This song is sooooo good") or celebs that really have put thought into their iTunes playlist, like Alan Cumming, who said that the Spice Girls' "Who Do You Think You Are" was like "witnessing an iconic cultural happening."
Damn straight.

Here are some surprising factoids:
- The Backstreet Boys really like Motorhead, and think Lemmy is a fashion icon.
- Katie Holmes' (while promoting Mad Money) had to "dance a lot" so she listened to "Gold Digger" by Kanye
- Jason Batemen likes Jeffy Buckley and the Pixies! And Smashing Pumpkins and Wilco! Stunning, Jay.
-For "Darjeeling Limited", Jason Schartzman wrote freaking essays about songs by Weezer and the Magnetic Fields. And Adrian Brody wrote one or two words, like simply citing "Terrible Lie" by NIN as "Hollywood."
- Like The Backstreet Boys, Megadeath also features Motorhead songs.
- In the ultimate of creepiness, Jim Carrey makes all of his playlists reference Jenny McCarthy (his then girlfriend? his now girlfriend?). He also has a lot of angry, post-goth girl music, like Fiona Apple and Evanescence. And he put himself singing "I Am the Walrus" by explaining, "Well...I am."
- Patricia Arquette has an amazing taste in music, and a playlist that makes me want to kill myself (Belle & Sebastian, Elliot Smith and Mazzy Star for the suicide trio).
- Brian Wilson's playlist is mostly Beach Boys songs and him saying, "Some of the best lyrics ever written..."
- Ciara (who appears on the list twice) doesn't have Aaliyah on her list, which is blasphemous.
- Pink has a lot of Ani Difranco, but she also features Bad Religion and Jodeci, which is why she's my favorite pop star. Because she's grrrl angry, with an extra r.
- I just saw Ciara for the third time. Still no Aaliyah.
- I've noticed a trend with rock bands - they include classics like Pixies' "Monkey Gone to Heaven", through some obscure country on the list (like Hank Williams), a little bit of irony like Bostons' "Don't Stop Believing" and then ALWAYS close with a Prince song.
- I expected Woody Allen's playlist to be quirky and funny - it wasn't.
- However, William Shatner's list was pretty excellent, with only four songs:
"Love Is Here to Stay" by Ella Fitzgerald, "Symphony No. 2 in D Major" by Beethoven, "Adagio in E Major by Mozart", and then Lose Yourself by Eminem, citing "He's different."
- Dane Cook's list was composed of one hit wonders. Maybe because DANE COOK is a one hit wonder! (snap.)
- Nicole Kidman likes to relax to Morcheeba. Can you imagine all of the scented candles?
- Of course, Robert Smith's playlist is amazing (Thin Lizzy, the Cocteau Twins and Mogwai), minus the Blink 182. I can't even IMAGINE how that happened.
- Ru Paul's playlist had Blondie, Cher, Diana Ross and Fantasia. Like...duh.
- When I clicked on Robert Downey Jr's list, I expected it to be crazy music, like Suicide or at least music only to be enjoyed on a great deal of amphetamines like B52s, and I was a little disappointed to see Steely Dan and Stevie Wonder. How can you freak out to that Rob? If you play the record on 45?

Those are the highlights. I actually got bored when I hit Jennifer Garner and Donny Osmond, because I could care less about what they listen to (he likes Tears for Fears and Avril Lavigne, she's into Outkast and Gwen Stefani).

So what I've learned is that all of Hollywood and its satellites pretty much can all agree on Justin Timberlake. He's like, the Brie of music. Everyone gets down with him.

(Next time, I am going to do this but only with celebrities that have since died, like Heath, Mix Master Jay and Alanis Morissette)